There are no Jug Handles in Tucson
Years ago, the Tucson city council adamently opposed building a city interstate highway loop around the town, like you find in other metropolitan areas. As a result, Tucson's main streets have been turned into 6 and 8-lane thoroughfares in order to handle the current volume of traffic. There is only one interstate highway leading from Tucson to Phoenix and no Tucson community has easy access to it. Coming from New Jersey, where all shopping centers are accessed via highway exit or entrance ramps, and local roads are mostly the two-lane variety; driving around town inTucson took some getting used to. I-10 is reserved for traveling outside of the City. Try to imagine New Jersey's US Highway 22 or 17 as your main street through town; but with fewer cars. What was really unsettling at first, was making left-hand turns and U-turns while crossing 6 lanes of oncoming traffic. You won't find a jug h...