My Boot Camp
About a month ago, I got this alert from my Living Social account about a local boot camp one-month membership. I took the bait and signed up. It was $20 bucks. What did I have to lose? Well, about 5 lbs would be a good start. You may have seen my Facebook entries and Twitter posts about BodyZen Boot Camp from a few weeks back. How hard could it be? I thought. I can be at the park a couple of blocks from the house by 6 AM 3 mornings a week. I am not employed right now. I exercise regularly. I'm pretty fit. I can do this for a month.
So what, that I just found out that my hyperthyroid condition has returned and I am now taking two prescriptions to slow down my heart rate and hyperactive thyroid gland. Exercise is always a good thing.
I arrived 15 minutes early the first morning. At 6 AM, in Tucson AZ in the middle of July, it was already hot and muggy. Ugh! The exe...