Dr. Weil Lecture at U of A Duval Auditorium - 4-4-2012
Went to listen to Dr. Weil speak to a group of mostly over 60-year olds about debunked medical treatments. I think Dr. Weil is such a sensible guy and a facinating speaker. I have been trying to get Jim to make an appointment at his renouned Integrative Medicine Center here in Tucson. It was back in 1996 when I was developing business opportunities for AT&T's newly launched Internet consumer service, WorldNet, that I first discovered Dr. Weil and his online site. I would never have imagined that some day I would be living in Tucson where Dr. Weil has his headquarters. Very cool. This was my first time hearing him speak, in person. Dr. Weil gave a number of examples of medical treatments from the past that were thought to be therapeutic at the time and later discovered to be useless or in other cases, dangerous. He listed using uranium stones pressed against your kidneys to improve kidney function, X-rays for everything,includi...