
Showing posts from April, 2013

Adventures in Elder Care - Tucson Style

It has been almost six months since my father moved from his life long home state of NJ to enjoy more balmy days in Tucson, and to be closer a family member, me.  I have decided to finally take some time to set down a documentary of sorts of my experiences in the realm of elder care, being a health care advocate for an aging parent, and describe what it has been like to navigate the American health care system.  Click here to follow my story, Adventures in Elder Care . uses too much packaging

I ordered one pot of eye shadow from and this is how it arrived.  I don't understand why this tiny little square of eye shadow needed to be packaged in a plastic bag and in a box of this size?  Seems like a waste of time, paper and cost.  What's wrong with an envelope with a some padding?