What's a Swamp Box?
One thing you notice as soon as you start driving around Tucson is the many beige-colored metal boxes you see sitting on the roofs of houses all over town. Some look pretty neglected and rusted out. At first glance, you might mistake them for air conditioning units, and they are, sort of. They are often referred to as “Swamp Boxes” by the locals. A Swamp Box is what the heating and cooling industry calls an Evaporative Cooler. It works much like a home humidifier. The cooler contains a basin of water and a rotating drum with a foam pad. Air is blown over the wet pad and into the house to produce cool moist air. With an A/C unit, humidity is sucked out of the interior air in the cooling process, whereas with a swamp cooler humidity is blown into the interior air. Since Tucson is a desert climate with very little humidity, for most of the warm season, an A/C unit is of little use. The locals who have lived...
2012 is upon us. Time to rev up the energy level and make the most of each day.